About Boost Electric

Boost Electric Ltd is your trusted UK supplier of electric scooters, electric bikes, and our own 'Boost' electric balance bikes for kids since 2020. Discover quality e-transport solutions at affordable prices. We sell our own branded products as well as products we trust ourselves. Our goal is to provide the best quality scooters and e-bikes at affordable prices.
Boost Electric
Boost Electric
Boost Electric
Boost Electric

There Are Lots Of Advantages In Owning A scooter

One very important advantage of our Electric Scooter and Bikes is the cost saving effect on your pocket: the considerable savings on Gasoline. You can get from Point A to Point B quickly without waiting for the Bus or the Taxi – simply unfold your Scooter and you are on the Go! Each time we use an Electric Scooter, we are contributing our little bit to our ecological survival.The e-Scooter is a great invention for modern day life and helps you spend less time while commuting to your daily destinations.What Are You Waiting For? Shop Now!